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Sunday, April 24, 2011

English Language Teaching in its Social Context: A Reader (Teaching English Language Worldwide)

C. Candlin "English Language Teaching in its Social Context: A Reader (Teaching English Language Worldwide)"

Routledge | English | 2001-01-10 | ISBN: 0415241227 | 368 pages | PDF | 15 MB

English Language Teaching in its Social Context presents four major principles of English language teaching:

* focusing on the roles played by teachers and learners

* recognizing the individuality of language learners

* supporting teachers in the provision of active guidance for students' learning

* examining both positive and negative patterns of interaction between learners and teachers.

This Reader offers people unfamiliar with research in this field an overall impression of English language teaching issues while allowing the more experienced reader the opportunity to relate his or her own experiences to the theories presented.


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